Online booking options available for salon professionals. If you’re not using online booking in your business, here are 3 things you should consider.
Social Media Profiles Need Spring Cleaning Too
Spring is a great time to check your social media profiles. Ensuring that your contact and booking information is correct is key to growing your business.
3 Ways You Could Be Damaging Your Brand
The way you present yourself (your brand) can help expand your network but it could also be damaging it. Here’s 3 ways your business card could be damaging your brand.
The Ultimate Guide to Picture Perfect Hair
Get picture perfect hair results. How to manipulate my hair to make it look fuller, shinier, longer and, in general, healthier in photos and selfies.
Does your Social Media Profile Pass the Test?
Salon Marketing on Social Media The goal of social media is to share information and to develop social and professional contacts. The global use of social media makes it an ideal avenue for salon marketing. However, many salon professionals fail