Top Hair Salons and Barbers Use Technology
Top hair salons, stylists and barbers have discovered how to use technology to their advantage. They attract new clients, get tons of referrals, and stay booked. The popularity of social media has certainly helped beauty pros to showcase their work. But are you getting the most from your posts and other technology available? Here’s 5 tech tips to get you started.
- Brand Your Work Online
To build a consistent brand online, start by watermarking or “branding” every picture you post of your work with your name and phone number. Make it easy for people who see your work to contact you. - Create a Website (or at the very least, a web page)
Even the most captivating posts can go unnoticed in fast-moving newsfeed. To reach potential clients online, you have to rise above the newsfeed clutter. Your own website is a more permanent way to market your service and can really boost your brand and professional image. There are many companies offering free website design, but beware–the fees to host, update and maintain your website can be costly. A listing in the MyBestDooz Salon Directory is an affordable alternative. - Add a QR Code to your business cards
You’ve seen those weird square codes on everything. Adding your own QR code to y
our business cards and other advertising allows clients to save your contact information on their mobile device. - Ask for Referrals
Every one of your clients should carry at least 2 of your business cards with them–one to give away and one to keep for their own reference. At each appointment you should give them a new card to give away to someone new. - Commit to Submit
One of the best ways to get new clients is to appear before their eyes. In a recent survey, 76% of people said they rely on search engines like Google and Bing to connect with nearby businesses. The more often you post and update links to your business, the more likely
you are to appear in the search results of people in your area.
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